Friday, November 9, 2012

Data Artisan's

I like the term "Data Artisans"

George Mathew, president and COO of Alteryx, predicts one of the hottest jobs in the future will be the "data artisan," a hybrid role that mixes data analysis with business savvy. "Data artisans will be asked to pull from structured and unstructured sources to drive the most important decisions within an organization -- like where it should open its next retail location, whether to pursue a new market, and which products to push,"

There's a lot of talk about big Data! and data artisans will be the new breed of thinkers that are strategically going to make management revolution by utilizing the technology around them. Though these are fancy new terms and not new for manager's who have always used data driven approach, yet the software tools that are available have grown leaps and bounds. These tools allow Data Artisans for handling large volume's of data, along with speed at which this data is being collected in real time to make substantial decisive actions.

A recent article on Big Data in HBR summarizes that data driven decision are better decisions as it enables the manager to look at evidence rather than intuition. It comes easy for companies that were born digital like Amazon and Google who are masters on big data. To know buying behavior and having key insights on what a consumer thinks that affects the bottom line changes the very fate/profits and direction of your organization.

Some key points I want to record here:

1) Big Data does not replace insight
2) Big Data does not replace vision
3) Big Data cannot replace value but can definitely help in understanding, inferring how our people are doing on core value.
4) Big Data coupled with insight will give you an edge in speed of decision making.
5) Big Data coupled with insight will help you minimize cost by allowing you to refocus your strategies.
6) Big Data has several kinds of information descriptive that may be (financial, demographic, pschyographic and social data), it could be Behavioral (response rates, likes, dislikes, activity, purchase rates etc etc. and finally Attitudinal (loyalty, satisfaction,  behavioral affinities etc.)
7) Tools that can close the loop on feedback and refine complex information in each of the mentioned areas in point #6 in simplistic manner (specially visually) help communicate and further your Organization better.


Sam Kurien

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