Sunday, November 3, 2013


I like the TED talk recently given by Hetain Patel. A artist and a linguist who joined Yuyu Rau a dancer who brought a new perspective for me in delivery of an astounding idea. The talk first of all was very refreshing to see how two people from  two very different cultures (a British Indian Gujarati and a Chinese) came together to deliver this.  I love this kind of confluence. Its heart warming to see how cultures around the world are melding...even if its at a slow pace it is so cool to see this happening especially when excellence is produced. Apart from that the content of the talk was also invigorating to the fact that we learn from imitating in the context and assemblage and convergence of culture  language, heroes and identities that we surround ourselves or grow in. This begins from childhood and goes well into adulthood; in fact it may be a quest in finding our own identity. If you haven't watched it on TED here's the embedded video.  Enjoy!


Sam Kurien

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